The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft, BMEL) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung) represent the German government in the AD Partnership.
As the largest exporter of chocolate products in the world Germany has a particular responsibility towards a sustainable cocoa sector. Germany hosted the 4th World Cocoa Conference (WCC) under the headline “A new Vision for the Cocoa Sector” in Berlin in April 2018. This resulted in the Berlin Declaration of the WCC.
The German Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa (GISCO, Forum Nachhaltiger Kakao) – launched in 2012 – is a multi-stakeholder platform, which aims to improve the livelihood of cocoa farmers and their families as well as to increase the proportion of sustainably produced cocoa. To achieve these objectives, the members of GISCO closely liaise with the governments of cocoa producing countries. GISCO has about 70 members and covers about 80 % of the German cocoa, chocolate and sweets sector. The target is 70% sustainable cocoa in end products containing cocoa sold by producing member companies on the German market by 2020. In 2017, GISCO reached 60%.
Germany is actively involved in the elaboration of a CEN/ISO standard on sustainable and traceable cocoa, which is supposed to be published by the end of 2018.
Palm oil
The Forum for Sustainable Palm oil (FONAP or Forum Nachhaltiges Palmöl) aims at 100% certified sustainable palm oil for the German, Austrian and Swiss markets. FONAP is part of the European Sustainable Palm Oil initiative. Member companies achieved 100% certified palm oil, palm kernel oil and derivatives at the end of 2014 (FONAP progress report). They have also committed to a road map with intermediate goals to achieve 100% physical supply in 2020 at the latest. FONAP holds annual conferences in Germany discussing all topics on sustainable palm oil and improving practices in the sector. The Forum aims to improve existing standards and is actively involved in the on-going Review of the RSPO Principles and Criteria, and recognises palm oil certification performed by RSPO, ISCC, Rainforest Alliance (SAN) and RSB. FONAP is clear that these certification schemes do not address all social and environmental problems but are an important step towards sustainable palm oil.
Germany developed a national Protein Strategy (2012) with the aim to increase domestic production of soybean and other legumes; with focus on eco-farming, agro-biodiversity and ensuring non-GMO soya. Furthermore in June 2017 the German Ministry of Food and Agriculture developed a strategy on livestock husbandry, the “Nutztierhaltungsstrategie”. These strategies can also contribute to AD strategic objectives.
Since 2014 Germany is supporting the organisation of meetings of the “Forum on more sustainable Protein Feed” (Forum Nachhaltigeren Eiweißfuttermitteln) with stakeholders along the value chain. The Forum discussed criteria and certification schemes for more sustainable soya aiming to reach 100% certified sustainable soya. In October 2017 a common position paper was published.