5 June 2025 – ADP Multi-Stakeholder Meeting in Berlin, Germany

SAVE THE DATE. More information will follow.


GIZ Representation Berlin / GIZ Repräsentanz Berlin

Reichpietschufer 20, 10785 Berlin, Germany

29 May 2024 – ADP Multi-Stakeholder Meeting in Madrid, Spain

The meeting report: 2024-0529 ADP-MSM Spain report vFINAL

List of participants:ADP-MSM 2024 Participants

5 February 2024 – ADP Side event Amsterdam Cocoa Week, The Netherlands

Together with IDH Sustainable Trade Initiative a side event was organised on the topic ‘Making policies work’.

Background publication on the African Regional Standard for Sustainable Cocoa in Ghana (link)

The meeting report: 2024-0205 Report ADP IDH Making Sustainable deforestation-free Cocoa Work

21 November 2023 – Belgian ADP event “Towards holistic sustainable supply chains”

Programme: 2023-1121 Belgian ADP programme v20231116

List of participants: Participants Belgian ADP event v2023-1117

Report of the meeting:2023-1121 Belgian ADP event Smallholder Farmers report vFINAL

Available presentations:

Chris West, Stockholm Environment Institute & Trase

Bojan Grlas, DG ENVI European Commission

Emese van Maanen, ProTerra ADP event final

Matthew Sielski The Nature Conservancy

Tomislav Ivancic FAO together with Sophia Gnych OECD

Karen Janssens Colruyt Group

10 May 2023 – AD Partnership Multi-Stakeholder Meeting

The ADP-MSM 2023 will be organised in London, United Kingdom

Report of the meeting: 2023-0510 ADP-MSM report vFINAL

List of participants: ADP-MSM PARTICIPANTS v2023-0508

Background report on Traceability and Transparency for Agriculture and Forest Commodities

9 December 2022 – Technical webinar on ARS on sustainable cocoa

Meeting hosted by the Ghana Standards Authority, IDH and AD Partnership to compare and discuss the African Regional Standard on Sustainable Cocoa (ARS-1000) to the draft EU regulation on deforestation.

GSA, IDH ADP (2022) Background document ARS on sustainable cocoa and EU proposal on deforestation free products

27 October 2022 – Soya workshop hosted by ADP Chair The Netherlands in Brasilia, Brazil

Report of the meeting

23 June 2022 – AD Partnership Multi-Stakeholder Meeting #5

“We are all Atlas 2”: strengthening collaboration on deforestation-free, sustainable agricultural commodity production and trade.

Report of the meeting and list of participants

1 March 2022 – UNEA 5 flagship event (13:30 -14:30 EAT)

“We Are All Atlas: sharing best practices for collaboration on sustainable, deforestation-free agricultural commodity production and consumption”. 

Report of the meeting

13-14 December 2021 – ADP Webinar on good practices between Brazil and Europe

France as chair of the ADP – via the French Embassy in Brazil – hosted a two day webinar on “Forests & Business: Good practices between Brazil and Europe” : day 1 and day 2, summary

27 September 2021 – Sustainable Palm Oil Dialogue (SPOD, link)

ADP Chair France presented and discussed the ambitions of the AD Partnership regarding halting commodity-driven deforestation.

5 September 2021 – ADP event at the IUCN World Conservation Congress

ADP Chair France organised a dedicated high-level event on deforestation (replay link).

29th and 30th of June 2021 – Multi-Stakeholder Meeting on “Demand-Side Measures for Deforestation-free supply chains: Opportunities and Pitfalls”.

The AD Partnership in cooperation with the Oslo Tropical Forest Forum and Trase will host a virtual interactive multi-stakeholder dialogue on the 29th of June.

The meeting discussed the opportunities and challenges of deforestation-free demand-side measures to foster inclusive approaches for supply chain governance. The dialogue included expert presentations on the state of play of demand side measures as well as critical perspectives from diverse stakeholders. Briefing notes shared before the meeting can be found here: ADP-OTFF-Trase briefing-notes-on-state-of-play-of-demand-side-measures

The insights from this dialogue have been discussed further at an invitation-only expert meeting on 30th of June 2021: ADP-OTFF-Trase MSM 30 June 2021 REPORT vfinal

European National Soya Initiatives (ENSI) meetings

On 28-29 January 2020 the last ADP-ENSI meeting was organised in The Netherlands. As of mid 2020, a separate secretariat was formed led by the European National Soya Initiatives, which now organises monthly meetings.

Minutes and presentations of 29 January 2020:

2020-0129 ADP ENSI minutes

2019-0129 ADP ENSI Agenda and Participants

2020-0129 ADP Peter de Koning_Enhancing Impact

2020-0129 D Nepstad_ADP_TropForestChampions

2020-0129 IDH_N Sleurink_ ADP ENSI

2020-1029 CSI_ Ariane Louwaege

At the meeting the conveners of seven European country initiatives issued the following statement:

European National Soya Initiatives Statement

13 June 2019, AD Partnership Multi-stakeholder Meeting #4 in Utrecht, The Netherlands

Presentations and key takeaways

Overview of events in the ADP International Sustainability Week 11-14 June 2019, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Overview events International Sustainability Week ADP v2

12 March 2019, European Soya Initiatives meeting (ENSI-2), The Netherlands

The AD Partnership organised a follow-up workshop to share experiences regarding working towards deforestation-free, sustainable soya within Europe:

ADP European Soya Initiatives meeting summary v2019-0312

European Soya Initiatives participants v2019-0312

ADP Background document European Soya Initiatives v2019-0312

20 November 2018, European Soya Initiatives (ENSI-1) workshop, Belgium

The AD Partnership organised a workshop on sharing responsibility for deforestation-free, sustainable soya with representatives of producer (Argentina, Brazil) and consumer countries (the ADP countries): ADP European Soya Meeting – AGENDA and ADP European Soya Meeting – PARTICIPANTS v2018-1120:

2018-1120 ADP Soya Workshop MODERATORS SUMMARY

2018-1120 ADP presentation Soya Europe

AAPRESID Tomas Mata ADP 20-11-18

ABIOVE Andre Nassar Amsterdam Group_2018_11_20


IDH Daan Wensing Amsterdam Declaration

GCF Debora Dias Soy Presentation – 20 November, Brussels

31 August 2018, World Food Summit, Copenhagen, Denmark

Side-event organised by ADP on “Deforestation on the Table or is there anything as a deforestation-free lunch?”

Agenda World Food Summit Deforestation on the Table

Peter de Koning AD Partnership World Food Summit

Thomas Sembres TRASE Copenhagen August 2018

Louise Bünemann DFC World Food Summit DI palm oil Aug 18

Thomas Roland COOP DIEH Soy, Coop

Ian de Cruz P4G ADP World Food Summit 31 August 2018.pptx

Daan Wensing IDH Copenhagen_31_08_2018

27 June 2018, AD Partnership Multi-stakeholder Meeting #3, France

France, as chair of the AD Partnership, organised the annual multi-stakeholder meeting in Paris, France.

2018-0627 ADP MSM France Roundtables minutes

Video registration 1: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6qwvpv
Video registration 2: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6qwvpu

26 June 2017, AD Partnership Multi-stakeholder Meeting #2, Germany

Germany, as chair of the AD Partnership, organised the second annual multi-stakeholder meeting in Berlin, Germany.

2017-0626 ADP MSM Germany Annotated conclusions

24 June 2016, AD Partnership Multi-stakeholder Meeting #1, Belgium

The Netherlands, as chair of the AD Partnership, organised the first multi-stakeholder meeting in Brussels, Belgium.

2016-0624 ADP MSM Netherlands Minutes Trade and Development in Sustainable Commodities